Calling all Sorors to the Floor...
Welcome to the Queens Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. We typically meet on the Second Saturday of each month from September through June, beginning at 10am. Dress attire is business. You're encouraged to verify meeting dates with the Membership Chair as dates are subject to change.

Meetings are limited to duly initiated members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, only. First time visitors are asked to:
arrive early to allow time for your credentials to be verified before the start of the meeting, and
be prepared to present your Delta Membership Card and valid photo identification.
If you have misplaced your membership card or do not know your membership number, please contact Delta Sigma Theta National Headquarters for assistance regarding verification.
Please visit the "Contact Us" page for further details and contact information!
We look forward to welcoming you to Queens Alumnae!